\header { title = "The river is flowing" composer = "Traditional" } \include "paper16.ly" melody = \notes \relative c' { \partial 8 \key c \minor g8 | c4 c8 d [es () d] c4 | f4 f8 g [es() d] c g | c4 c8 d [es () d] c4 | d4 es8 d c4. \bar "|." } text = \lyrics { The ri -- ver is flo- __ wing, flo -- wing and gro -- wing, the ri -- ver is flo -- wing down to the sea. } accompaniment =\chords { r8 c2:3- f:3-.7 d:min es4 c8:min r8 c2:min f:min7 g:7^3.5 c:min } \score { \simultaneous { %\accompaniment \context ChordNames \accompaniment \addlyrics \context Staff = mel { \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t \melody } \context Lyrics \text } \midi { \tempo 4=72 } \paper { linewidth = 10.0\cm } }